You know what's greater than an innovation? Further innovation and alteration. Sure the guy who made the TV did a great job, but the one who made it flat won many hearts. Then somebody thought about the screen and made LCD. Another went a step further and created LED. Further innovations can make a product more apt and more useful for people in an era.
It's all about re-inventing and constant endeavor to make things a tad bit easier and convenient for people. Now consider a simple thing like a USB Cable. We all use them now. Each one of us probable carry one in our bags for 'emergencies'. A USB Cable has become a basic requirement.
Then, how about little alterations and re-inventions in that? Like what? Like making the USB port angled at 90 degrees, so that plugging it in cramped spaces makes it easier. Neat, isn't it? And the fact that it does not involve any technological breakthroughs but
is still a well thought of alteration is neater.
USB angle cables are just that. Whether left angled or right angled as per the design of the equipment, USB angle cables are saviors. Another example of small alteration with a big relief are the flat cables. A funny analogy to these flat cables is of the flat noodles. The cables came into the picture for the same reason the noodles did - convenience.
The round noodles were difficult to eat, kept slipping and were basically a mess. The round cables we have (and considering that a single device is usually connected to a lot of them) are a mess too.
Slithering like snakes around our computers, making our desks appear messy. Getting rid of that wool of cables, flat cables save the day. Can be easily hidden, taped or pinned they make your workstation and your mind as a result of it, cleaner. The bigger better inventions and innovations would keep happening in the technological space. But we do need a few of the creative geniuses who think of simple ideas, delivered amazingly making our lives simple and amazing at the same time.
The technologically challenged people or to be politer normal people feel blessed with such small advancements in technology. May it be the USB angle cables or the flat cables, they do us a more visible good and restore the faith of us mere mortals in humanity and technology.